Friday, November 18, 2011

Praise & Worship

Why is it so hard for us to worship the one true God?  Why is it so difficult to remember to thank Him in ALL things?  Those of us who call ourselves "Christian" are so blessed, but we fail so terribly in letting the world, even just our small corner of the world, know how blessed we are!  The easy road is giving into the picture the world has of our God.  Why would we want to take a chance on being ridiculed for our beliefs?  Are we afraid we will end up being "one" against the world?  I had the privilege last night of watching a young man once again prove his naysayers wrong.  Even if you don't like or watch football, I'm sure you have heard of Tim Tebow.  Before I go any further, let me say this is NOT written to Praise & Worship Tim Tebow!!  I simply admire anyone who just doesn't hestitate to give his Lord & Saviour ALL the praise & glory for his accomplishments.  He came from behind again last night and won.  It wasn't pretty, but it accomplished what I think he is all about.  Camera people, announcers, etc are talking about what IT is that this young man has that takes on his critics and changes their minds about him.  I watched the camera show a large group of players, Jets & Broncos, kneeling in a circle praying after the game.  I listened to an interview that continues to give Jesus Christ the praise & glory for what takes place on the field.  And through all this, I wonder why am I so reluctant to express my faith as openly!!  Am I afraid I will be disliked?  So what!!  I will be the first to admit my faith is simply not as strong as I would like.  But, everyday, I work on it.  I am learning to turn more & more things over to the Lord!!  Hopefully, before long, I will have turned everything over to Him and "I will have learned in whatever state I am, to be content!" (Phil 4:11)

If I have offended anyone with this, I won't apologize.  If you happen to agreed with me, please continue to pray that as Christians we will grow stronger and more outspoken.  Take care.  See you at the House!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Invasion by Jon S Lewis

     A combination of mystery and science fiction, this is one good read.  It deals with a young man, Colt McAlister, who is having the time of his life - spending his days on a surfboard and nights on the beach with friends.  Then things take a drastic change - his parents are killed and he has to go live with his grandfather.  After moving in with his grandfather, he finds out that his mother, who was an investigative reporter, was going to  expose a secret mind-control program run by Trident Biotech.  What if agents from this company wanted to make sure she couldn't go public?

     Colt decides he needs to find out just what happened to his parents.  He has one friend in his new high school, and another "friend" , Oz, who seems familiar.  They form an alliance to find out what is going on at this company and subsequently are drawn into a world of aliens, shapeshifters, flying motorcycles, and invisible gateways!  Not my normal type of read, but amazingly good.  Of course it is listed as juvenile fiction, but I still enjoyed it and will read the next in the series.

     I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program.  I was not required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Waking Hours by Lis Wiehl with Pete Nelson

"All towns have secrets.  Some have Demons.  Welcome to East Salem.  A deceptively sleepy town where ancient supernatural forces are being awakened."

That introduction grabbed me from the beginning.  And I was not disappointed!  A local high school girl is found murdered.  The manner of her death is quite shocking and the only suspects are teenagers who don't remember anything that happened.  Forensic psychiatrist Dani Harris is intrigued by the circumstances surrounding this death.  Dani is also bothered by dreams that awakened her every night at 2:13.These dreams are filled with blood, water & destruction.  Are these events related?  Then let's add former NFL linebacker Tommy Gunderson.  Someone close to him is implicated in the girl's murder and he finds himself working closely with Dani to solve this mystery.  She also happens to be the only girl who could resist his charms back in high school.  An awesome mystery full of suspense, romance and the supernatural.  Reminds us that the battle between God and Satan is not over.  Highly recommend this book and am looking forward to the next one in the series.

I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program.  I was not required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


     It has been awhile since I last posted on my blog.  It can't be because I haven't had anything to say!!  Let's just say I have been in a reflective mood - thinking about things in the past, wondering about the future and trying to stay in the here and now.  I don't know where all of this is leading me, but I plan on following.  Hopefully it is a God-Thing!!

     One thing that has been on my mind a lot is how many friends I have who are battling with cancer right now.  We have a young man in church who is just eat up with cancer.  It is just about all over his body.  Yet, he is the most positive person I have ever met.  I would like to believe that if I am ever in that position again I would be just as positive.  But, unfortunely, I know myself too well - I am a big wimp!!  I just don't like pain or discomfort.  I do try, but there are times when things just seem to get the best of me.  Then I feel like I have let God down, and so, I try to pick myself up and go forward (not backward!).  But, God is so good!  He doesn't hold those times against me.  In fact, He helps me get up and get going!!  How awesome is that!!

     Here are a few things cancer cannot do (anonymous):

Cancer is so limited....
It cannot cripple Love
It cannot shatter Hope
It cannot corrode Faith
It cannot destroy Peace
It cannot kill Friendshop
It cannot suppress Memories
It cannot silence Courage
It cannot invade the Soul
It cannot steal eternal Life
It cannot conquer the Spirit

     Take care dear friends.  See ya at the House!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Desiring God, Mediations by a Christian Hedonist by John Piper

     "Desiring God is a paradigm-shattering work that dramatically alters common perspectives on relating to God.  Piper reveals that there really is no need to choose between duty and delight in the Christian life.  In fact, for the follower of Jesus, delight is the duty, because Christ is most magnified in His people when they are most satisfied in Him."

     I must confess I did not finish reading this book.  Don't misunderstand it was not because I didn't believe in what he was saying.  I just had a hard time following his lead.  My God is an awesome God!  I sincerely try in ALL things to be thankful and satisfied.  Do I succeed - not all the time.  But, that would be because I have placed other things ahead of God.  When I keep Him first in my life then I look forward to His leading.  I must say that this book was more than I could understand.  Possibly it simply was not the right time for me to read it.  This may be the right time for you.

     I received this book for free from Multnomah for this review.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


     Believe it or not my devotion this morning was about the importance of friends.  Several studies have shown that the more friends you have the less likely you are to die young.  "The writer of Proverbs said that a good friendship is to the heart what oils and medicines are to the body.  Encouraging our friends -- and being encouraged by them -- is a conduit of blessing to our lives.  We should cherish our relationships, pray for our friends, and fellowship warmly with those whom God brings across our paths.  It's good for what ails us!!"*

     I can remember a time in my life when we had moved to an area that we really did not know anyone.  It felt like we were in another country.  All of my friends were miles away!  It has never been easy for me to meet new people, much less cultivate a new friendship.  I got so depressed that I was physically sick.  Eventually I began to notice that people in the church were reaching out, but I was so into "ME" that I didn't see it right away.  To this day, some of my dearest friends are in that town and I do miss them something fierce!!  But, we stay in touch and I know one day I will see them all again, if not on this side of heaven then on the other side!!  Plus, we now have FaceBook, and it is so easy to stay in touch!!!  Bottom line here is - friends next door or across the country are important to our heart and our body!  So, take care dear friends.  See you at the House!!

*Turning Points Devotional by Dr. David Jeremiah

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Wall of Fame!!

     Every place we have ever lived I have tried to have a Wall of Fame.  I'm sure most of you know what I'm talking about and probably have one yourself.  This is where I hang pictures of family and friends.  Well I have finally finished the wall for this home.  When you have 11 grandchildren and one great-grandchild, it does take a while to find just the right pictures to frame.  All my family are just beautiful and/or handsome, so it was a bit of a problem.  Not to mention my friends!!  But, I accomplished the impossible and finished the Great Wall yesterday!!  And, I have to say, it is pretty cool!!  In the middle of all these pictures is a copy of our wedding picture.  It is hard to believe it was taken almost fifty years ago!!  Of course if you look at the picture and then at us, you might not say that!!  We look every bit of fifty years older!!  Oh well, that's life!! 
     Today's chore is "clean bathrooms"!  I better get busy.  My daughter-in-law and great-grandson are coming for a visit, and heaven forbid that I put it off a day!  That would mean that tomorrow I would have to clean the bathrooms and deep clean the kitchen.  I'm too old to have to do all that in one day!!  So, I guess I better get busy.  Take care dear friends!  See ya at the House!!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Plan for the day!

Summer is here!!!  It is hot and I am LAZY!!  (Right about now Bobby would say, "So what else is new!!")  Sad thing is - he's right! (again!)  Seems to me, the more time I have to accomplish whatever - it takes me longer to get motivated.  Does that make sense?!?!  I have so many projects, that I think I get overwhelmed and can't decide what to do first.  Takes me so long to decide that I forget what I'm trying to decide!  It is a sad thing when you lose your mind!  Do you think I dwell on this too much?  Maybe so.  I need to suck it up and get busy!!  I am so blessed!  It is time to quit complaining and count my blessings!!  So, today I will work in the spare bedroom and try to get it organized.  After that, I will go through our books and decide what we are going to give to the church library.  That is the plan and I am sticking to it!!  Take care dear friends.  See ya at the House!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Good Morning Friends!

What a beautiful day!! On my weekly chore list, this is the day for errands. Doesn't that sound like fun? Believe it or not, I'm actually looking forward to heading to Greenville to shop. Of course, I also have to have more blood drawn (not looking forward to that!!), but it will be okay! Are you familiar with Ollie's Bargain Store? I Love that store! Needless to say, we will be looking around in there today. Maybe we will find a really good bargain. You can only hope! We are also going grocery shopping, but have to eat first. I learned early in our marriage - do not take Bobby Burroughs in a grocery store if he is hungry! I used to find the oddest things had just jumped into the basket - sardines, okra & tomatoes, olives!! YUK!! Anyway, that is the plan for the day. What do you have planned? Whatever it is, take care. See ya at the House!

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Big Picture

"When you look at your life, what do you see?  Is your glass half empty, or is it overflowing?  Have you focused your gaze on one little sliver of time riddled with problems and Pain?  Or have you put down the magnifying glass, broadened your vision, and seen the big picture?  It's important to do that because the big picture looks fantastic from afar, especially when you're able to take in the dazzling glow that comes from behind the clouds, Whatever trial you're going through, it will pass.  The salvation of God, however, will never fade away!"  (copied)

This was my devotion this morning!  And I have to say, it hit home!  I find myself looking only at the NOW and not the whole picture.  We have a lot going on in our life right now - physically, emotionally, and financially.  I'm afraid lately I haven't  been looking down the road much less behind the clouds!  Praise God, He is so understanding and forgiving.  He will bring people, things, writings, whatever it takes into our lives to remind us (again!) that He is still in control!!  He will take care of whatever problems we may have, if we will just trust Him!!  We have made it through many trials and tribulations with God's help.  Now, I need to focus on that, and put Him back in control.  Friends, please continue to pray for us and especially that we will remember each and every day where our strenth comes from!!!  Take care.  See ya at the House!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Graduation Day

So, I got to be Grandma & Great-Grammy this past Friday!!  Our next to oldest grandson graduated from high school.  Several years ago his mother (our daughter-in-law) decided to homeschool.  Jeremy is the first one to graduate from homeschool.  The oldest two decided to go to public school when they reached high school age.  Consequently they graduated from HHS - where their grandmother and their father graduated from.  That was pretty special!  But, I have to say our daughter-in-law, Carrie, did a really good commencement program for Jeremy.  I am so proud of him.  Both of our daughters-in-law homeschool which to me is outstanding.  Personally I would never have had the patience, but they both do such a good job!

I also got to hold my great-grandson Friday!!  He is growing entirely too fast.  Can you believe he is almost five months old?!?!  But such a cutie!!

I'm afraid the rest of the week-end went downhill from there.  I have been sick all week-end.  I did make it to church Sunday morning, but went right back to bed when we got home!  Everything I eat seems to make me sick - that nauseus feeling - sick in the pit of your stomach feeling.  Today is not a whole lot better.  And I really do not want to go to the doctor again!!  Oh well, God is in Control and all will be right with my world eventually.  Take care dear friends.  See you at the House!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Secrets of the Vine for Women by Darlene Marie Wilkinson

Breaking through to abundance!  This is what Darlene Wilkinson is hoping and praying that the women who read this book will accomplish.  She bases her study on John 15 where Jesus used a vineyard analogy to reveal His plan to bring His followers to a place of genuine spiritual abundance.  It can be a quick read, but I would suggest taking your time and doing an in depth study with her.  I especially liked the comparison of Mary and Martha.  Most of us women are Marthas.  We get distracted with serving instead of trying to build a relationship.  When Martha asked Jesus to tell her sister to get up and start helping, Jesus gave a tender and surprising reply:  "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things.  But one thing is needed, and Mary has choses that good Part."  vv. 41-42

How do we arrive at the abundant life Jesus wants for us?  This book will help us to see and understand how we can Break through to Abundance!  I highly recommend this book. 

"I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review".

Monday, June 6, 2011

Who Am I??

The Pastor asked a question at church last night that I have been thinking about off and on all day.  His question was to the church, but I also applied it to my life - If the church vanished tomorrow would the people of Chocowinity realize we were gone?  Have we as a church reached out to the town and our neighbors in any way at all?  Do they know that we care about them and are ready to be assistance if needed?  So, applying that to myself, where do I stand?  Does my neighbor know who I am?  Would he or she come to me for help or advice?  Does the person at the bank, the grocery store, the library, or town hall have any idea that they could reach out to me?  I believe my friends know I would anything within my power to help them should they ever need me.  But, do I come across as "better than thou" to a complete stranger?  I sometimes think maybe I do, and that definitely is not "Christ-like!"  I have to start making some changes in my life and today is as good a day as any to begin!  What was it they used to say back in the day - This is the first day of the rest of your life!!  So be it.  Take care dear friends.  See ya at the house!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Back in the Day!

I missed our last class reunion which was my 50th high school reunion!!  Can you believe that!!  Anyway, have you noticed the picture on the side here?  If you went to school with me then you should know who they are.  How about letting me know what you think!!  I don't know what year this was taken.  I just know it was in high school.  Do you miss those days?  I miss the freedom we had  - to walk the streets at night without fear,  getting excited and happy over the least little thing, because it was all new to us!!  Most of us didn't have a TV, so what we knew came from family, friends, reading, and church.  Which is not a bad way to learn!!  I'm not sure what put me on this road this morning except that I did dream about some old friends last night.  Wish I could twitch my nose and they would appear!!  Not going to happen, so I will just move forward.  We will meet again someday - maybe next year at the next reunion!!  Take care dear, dear friends.  See ya at the house!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What is wrong with this picture!!

What an absolutely wonderful day!!  Spent the day with family down at Bath.  The "boys" went sailing and came home BURNT to a crisp!!  No, that wasn't so wonderful, but the rest of the day was!  I just love what we call the Smith Paradise!  It is on Bath Creek and so-o-o quiet & peaceful.  Bobby & I lived there when we first moved back to NC last year.  At the end of the day, I would take a chair and go to the end of the pier and just watch the water, the birds, and whatever "wildlife" was out there.  Some days I would spend my quiet time there - just sit and talk with Lord.  Back in the day, I thought you couldn't get any closer to heaven than in the mountains.  Now I have different thoughts - Bath Creek is pretty close also!!!  So, what am I still doing up at 12:30 in the morning?!?!?  Believe me I am NOT up so I can blog - I am blogging because I am up!!  There is something wrong with this picture!  Enough of this - I'm going to try one more time to get some sleep!!  Take care all!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Keeping Cool!!

Okay, here's the thing - we finally had to turn the AC on yesterday!! Not happy about that - means the electric bill will probably triple!  And the bad part is the upstairs (master bedroom & bath) is not that well vented!! For those who don't know, we live in a house that is 120 years old.  We just love the house.  It has a lot of interesting features and designs that make decorating a challenge.  Now, we have discovered the upstairs is going to be a challenge to keep cool - But, you know what, we will do what we have to and keep on going.  I am going to be making curtains this afternoon ( now that should be fun!!).  Just keep me in your prayers that I don't lose my "cool"!!  Take care and keep cool!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

This is the Day!

"This is the day the Lord has made, Let us rejoice and be glad in it!!"  Amen & Amen!!  First Baptist of Chocowinity celebrated their 100th Anniversary today!  Awesome service!  Lots of people and super good food!!  You know how Baptist just love to eat - we don't even need a good excuse - just bring food!!  And this afternoon we have been watching college softball!!  Kentucky beat Michigan in the last inning and now we are watching Arizona (hopefully) beat SDSU.  How could any Sunday be better than this!!  (Only NFL season gets better!)  Well, that's all folks!!  Back to the ballgame!!  Take care, friends!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Things to Do!

Here we go again!!  I have so-o-o many things to do - unfinished projects, new projects, wishful projects!!  I did finally get my sewing machine working, so now I can't use that excuse for not working on quilts!  In fact I have gotten back on one for my August BD Granddaughter (don't tell her!)  Just pray that I can keep at it!!  Well, enough for today - crack that whip - I need to get back to work!!!  Bye, Ya'll!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

People To See

It's been a couple of days, but that's OK.  Chances are this will not be an everyday get together - I just don't have it in me to "talk" that much!!  Places to go, People to see, and Things to do - remember that!  Well, lately I have been thinking about old and new friends.  I have said many times that I believe Bobby & I could take a trip across the states and back home and never have to stay one night in a motel room.  Being raised myself & raising my sons outside a Marine base, just means that I have friends everywhere!  Some friends I have not seen in 20 or 30 years, but that is what makes Facebook so popular.  I have been in touch with friends from grammer school on!!  And when we connect, we just seem to pick up where we left off years ago - How cool is that!!  Now if we can just figure out how to get to see these friends again!  Wouldn't that be awesome!!  Just a thought!   Enough for now - it is way past my bedtime!  Goodnight all!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

What a day!

Let me say that again - WHAT A DAY!!  I was scheduled for a CT Scan this morning (early this morning).  When we got there, I was told they also needed to draw some blood!  Well, I knew right then I was in trouble!  You see, I have no veins - really none! well, maybe one!  And they used that one to draw the blood.  So when I went back to have the scan done, things started going down hill!  I think I saw everyone in Physicians East that is qualified to draw blood!!  I finally said ENOUGH!!  I will come back, when all you have to do is the CT Scan!!  So if you will, remember me next Monday when we try again!!  I hope all of you have had a good day!!  Take care!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Places to Go!

Have you heard the saying, "Places to go, people to see, and things to do!"  Well, I have been thinking about that (for whatever reason!) and realized there are a lot of places I have been, but still so many I would like to see!  How about you?  I know in my married life I have totally lost count of the times we have moved - gypsy blood!  I really don't want to move again, but to take trips oh yeah!!  We have one trip planned this year for our 50th Anniversary.  The Mountains - my favorite place in the world!!  When you are in the mountains looking down in the valley how can you not believe there is an Almighty God.  Enough for today.  I am still trying to get the hang of this blogging, but I hope you will hang with me.  Let me know what you think.  Take care!

Nick of Time by Tim Downs

Let me go on record as saying this is the very first book review I have ever done!  I am a great fan of NCIS, CSI, and most other procedural crime TV shows.  I chose this book - Nick of Time, by Tim Downs - mainly to see if it would be as interesting and exciting, if you will, as the TV shows.   I really did not expect to be laughing in the first chapter and before finishing the book, ready to slap him on the head or just shake some sense in him!  Nick is a forensic entomologist (bug man) and is getting married in just a few days to Alena, his beautiful fiancée.  At times the dialogue between Nick and Alena is hilarious.

He belongs to a group of forensic specialists who, being the best in their fields, take on cold cases that have never been solved.  They meet once a month, but Nick has been unable to make the past few meetings.  His good friend, Pete, has asked him to try to make this particular meeting.  When Nick gets to the meeting, he finds his friend has been murdered.  Now he feels that he needs to find out what happened.  Needless to say, this does not set well with Alena. With just days left before his wedding, Nick is running all over the Poconos in northeast Pennsylvania.  So, his fiancée decides to go after him and find out just what is going on.  Neither of these characters are social butterflies, but you will come away ready to read the next in the series. Is the real reason he went to the meeting and then on to the Poconos because he is having second thoughts about marriage?  Does Alena find him?  Who killed his friend?  You must read the book.  It is indeed very good.  And just in case you don't know a forensic entomologist (bug man) is someone who studies bugs and their relations to decomposing bodies.

This book was published by Thomas Nelson.  It is a clean book without dealing with sex, cursing, and heavy violence.  The turns and twists of the plot will keep you guessing and if you are like me you will be surprised with the ending. 

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this  complimentary copy free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.

Friday, May 13, 2011


Don't tell me you can't teach an "Ole" Grammy new tricks!!  I would beg to differ with you!!  I am starting on a New Adventure!!  This "Ole" Grammy has become a book reviewer and a Blogger - No not a "Logger", a Blogger!!!  This way, you see, I get to read new books and then tell you whether you should read them or not.  I think that is pretty cool!!  All I have to do is read the book, blog about it here and on a business website and sign up for another book.  That's what I'm talking about!!!  And those of you who know me know this is right up my alley!!

So, aside from that, I am still trying to get settled in our new home.  That is a trip!!  I am also trying to start enjoying being completely retired!  (Of course I have been since 2000, but it just seems different now!!)  Anyway, enough for now.  See you tomorrow!!


About Me

I am a Great-Grammy to one and Grammy to eleven with another one on the way. My favorite things to do are read and scrapbook. I also hope (before I die)to make a quilt for all my grandchildren (grand & great!) I love watching NFL- GO BUCS - and playing Fantasy Football. Jesus Christ, my husband, Bobby,my family,and my friends are the most important things in my life!!