Tuesday, July 12, 2011


     Believe it or not my devotion this morning was about the importance of friends.  Several studies have shown that the more friends you have the less likely you are to die young.  "The writer of Proverbs said that a good friendship is to the heart what oils and medicines are to the body.  Encouraging our friends -- and being encouraged by them -- is a conduit of blessing to our lives.  We should cherish our relationships, pray for our friends, and fellowship warmly with those whom God brings across our paths.  It's good for what ails us!!"*

     I can remember a time in my life when we had moved to an area that we really did not know anyone.  It felt like we were in another country.  All of my friends were miles away!  It has never been easy for me to meet new people, much less cultivate a new friendship.  I got so depressed that I was physically sick.  Eventually I began to notice that people in the church were reaching out, but I was so into "ME" that I didn't see it right away.  To this day, some of my dearest friends are in that town and I do miss them something fierce!!  But, we stay in touch and I know one day I will see them all again, if not on this side of heaven then on the other side!!  Plus, we now have FaceBook, and it is so easy to stay in touch!!!  Bottom line here is - friends next door or across the country are important to our heart and our body!  So, take care dear friends.  See you at the House!!

*Turning Points Devotional by Dr. David Jeremiah

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Wall of Fame!!

     Every place we have ever lived I have tried to have a Wall of Fame.  I'm sure most of you know what I'm talking about and probably have one yourself.  This is where I hang pictures of family and friends.  Well I have finally finished the wall for this home.  When you have 11 grandchildren and one great-grandchild, it does take a while to find just the right pictures to frame.  All my family are just beautiful and/or handsome, so it was a bit of a problem.  Not to mention my friends!!  But, I accomplished the impossible and finished the Great Wall yesterday!!  And, I have to say, it is pretty cool!!  In the middle of all these pictures is a copy of our wedding picture.  It is hard to believe it was taken almost fifty years ago!!  Of course if you look at the picture and then at us, you might not say that!!  We look every bit of fifty years older!!  Oh well, that's life!! 
     Today's chore is "clean bathrooms"!  I better get busy.  My daughter-in-law and great-grandson are coming for a visit, and heaven forbid that I put it off a day!  That would mean that tomorrow I would have to clean the bathrooms and deep clean the kitchen.  I'm too old to have to do all that in one day!!  So, I guess I better get busy.  Take care dear friends!  See ya at the House!!


About Me

I am a Great-Grammy to one and Grammy to eleven with another one on the way. My favorite things to do are read and scrapbook. I also hope (before I die)to make a quilt for all my grandchildren (grand & great!) I love watching NFL- GO BUCS - and playing Fantasy Football. Jesus Christ, my husband, Bobby,my family,and my friends are the most important things in my life!!